My rating ♥♥♥
My summary: Reporter Kendall O'Dell finds her self a long way from home delving into the past of a small town and a family with more than a few secrets.
My take: The story itself was refreshing and enjoyable. I had a few moments of "well I know where this is going" and there were some times where the pacing had me losing interest, but it corrected nicely.

My rating ♥♥♥♥♥
My summary: Sorry, no spoilers given on this one since this is book #12 in the series I don't want to give any juicy bits away.
My take: I loved it! I think the plot is being moved along nicely to it's conclusion of the series in book 13 which is due out in May 2013. I know the later books in this series has it's share of detractors but I am not one of them, I am really enjoying the ride Ms. Harris is taking me on.

My rating ♥♥♥
My summary: A bit of paranormal set in Victorian England.
My take: This had an original feel as it brought together the properly buttoned up Victorian England with unpredictable natures of paranormal creatures. I enjoyed the story a great deal, the only thing that detracted my enjoyment were a few small moments where I found the plot to have pacing issue.

My rating ♥♥♥♥
My summary: Young hot billionaire and young pretty college student, who couldn't be more different, meet.
My take: This book has done well to polarize readers, it seems to be a 'love it' or 'hate it' book with nothing left for much in between. I was resolute to stay ignorant about the entire phenomenon that this has become, but my intense curiosity got the best of me and I am glad it did. I was able to look past the kink that has become what most people tend to talk about and really enjoy the characters and the dialog between them as the story moved along.

My rating: ♥♥♥
My summary: We continue to enjoy the company of Mr. Christian Grey and Ms. Anastasia Steele as they struggle with their relationship.
My take: It's funny but most times when I read a trilogy I find book two to be the weak link, and this was no exception. I never thought the plot sputtered outright but it felt not quite as well rounded as the first book felt. Still a good read though, I was hooked and never doubted I would read book three.

My rating ♥♥♥♥
My summary: And so begins, the end of the journey - but it's no less packed with plot.
My take: I loved it and since I am a sucker for happy endings this really had me over the moon. It was cheesy in parts but the sum of the whole made me 'A O.K.' with the cheese factor.

My rating: ♥♥♥♥
My summary: College students and all the complexity that goes along with school, friends, and family.
My take: This read went by in a flash but it was oh-so-sweet, and wonderful, without being too harsh or too cheesy. A great summer read!

My rating: ♥♥♥
My summary: College professor and grad student find they have more in common than Dante's Inferno.
My take: I did like this book overall...but I had a few issues...in the form of the lead male, the author takes him from a growling snob to utterer of charming endearments in 0 to 60 and I nearly got whiplash in the process. On a positive note, I did appreciatethe glimpses of higher academia and the relationship unfurling.
My rating ♥♥♥
My summary: College professor and grad student continue with a relationship that has it's fill of issues.My take: The relationship had me coming back for more, and I found I was well rewarded with what felt like a more well rounded story when compared to Gabriel's Inferno. I won't say I didn't have a few issues but not enough to ruin my enjoyment.
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