It hasn't happen to me often...thankfully or it would ruin me, but a story and it's main characters have gotten under my skin and I've got it bad. But what is 'it' called? It seems to me there should be a word to describe the lost/longing/insatiable nature of parting ways with a beloved story and characters. I also think it should be bigger than just a word, there should be a national day of mourning to recognize and commemorate the process that is triggered by the ending of some really good writing, or even writing that is not what critical circles would call good but writing that just resonated so strongly within you that it won't let you go, or you won't/can't let it go either.
That's what has been happening to me as of late. I thought, if I just read it one more time, slowly, once done it would fall into its proper place in my library and release its hold on me. Only that didn't work. I am working on distractions with other books...but wouldn't you know it, good titles are thin on the ground just now.
I am doing my best to stay not do a drive-by on my Nook and gaze longingly at the cover, to not stare off into space fifty times a day and wonder what the characters are doing, wonder if the author is writing more for me at this very minute.
Oh I do have it bad, and if you ask me what book I am talking lips are sealed, it's all