When Avery realizes that her latest client wasn't Sean she doesn't know what to do. This person has invaded her life on a personal level and to make matters worse she doesn't even know who he is. The only good thing that came from it has been seeing Sean again, but now that he's in front of her, she doesn't want to let him go. However, it's time for Avery to stop pretending and move on with her life, and she knows that Sean Ferro will not be part of it.
Rate & take

I think H.M. Ward is a big tease, there I said it. This latest novella in the series was sweet torture. I loved every word...until my e-reader said the story was 84% finished and I turned the digital page and it basically said 'tune in next time'. ARRGH!!! The author gave me just enough to keep my addiction going but not enough for the greedy little reader in me to be fully satisfied. But as is my predictable nature I'll be up front and center for the release of The Arrangement 11...whenever she can fit the time in to have it published, that is.
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