Scandalous 2 by H.M. Ward
Abby never thought she’d find her soul mate, but she has and it's changed her life forever. Jack is everything she needs and more. There’s a connection between the two of them that transcends logic and rational thought. It’s like they were made for each other. Nothing can keep them apart.
After the honeymoon ends, Jack has the most important show of his career. The centerpiece is the scandal painting of Abby. It’s Jack’s defining piece, the start of a new era. But when Jack and Abby return home, something isn’t right. Jack becomes distant as his deepest fears manifest before his eyes.
Jack has been verbally attacked for his art in the past. It’s no secret; but what Abby doesn't realize is that a hate group has also targeted him. They hold Jack personally responsible for the moral decay in society. Not only is this corruption seen in Jack’s art, but also in his life and love. Seducing Abby made Jack a prime target.
It isn’t enough to ruin Jack’s career—these activists want to end his life.
Everything hinges on Abby and she’ll do anything to protect the man she loves.
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Heat Index 1 ☼
This second book brought the story home nicely but with a bit less spark than the first book (see my previous review). I still enjoyed the main characters and hearing about the art world and the creative process.
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