A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

Rate & take

I'm not sure how to I can say it any better than blurb above. I just know it was all that and then some.
Before I started the read I was concerned it would feel dated given the time it was written in (1943) and the story itself takes place in the early 1900's. I should have had no concerns at all, anything that could have smacked of olden times was made anew with the vivid writing style of Ms. Smith. From the first few pages I didn't read this book, rather I inhabited it right along with Francie, through every hunger pang and every dilemma. I now know why this was the favorite read by the people in this book. The writing transports you to Williamsburg, whether you have ever been there or not. If you have ever had personal hardships, or known someone who has struggled, you will easily find yourself as drawn into this story as I was. There are so many facets of life here that are examined and considered, and it is done seamlessly, keeping the plot flowing until you turn the last page and it's all gone. Leave you (me) wanting more.
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